

Duly engineering is only acceptable engineering

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This web site is dedicated for people, who has interest in Duly Engineering (or as we call it d'Engineering in short).

First of all we need to make clear explanation of what is our understanding of d'Engineering.


Nowadays our world is globalized and engineers are dealing with of different standards and different design "schools", which are meeting across the borders.

Unfortunately that is often ending in unacceptable designs, where thoughtless mess of no-matching considerations take place. And that are finally comprimising quality, reliability and safety in use of designed products.


Of course, correct combination of different requirements is not impossible, but has to be done with good thinking, with understanding of similarities and often, based on good experience, which can be acquired from specialists, worked on "butt joint" solutions in international projects.


And this is not all.


Even focusing on particular standards and existing local design "schools" we have to be honest to admit that those ones can not give answers and precise guidelines for nowadays realities, when modern staff / technologies / technics is appearing all the time. Hence some sort of revision or better to call it on time interpretation is required.


We believe we will able to provide suitable platrform for all above mentioned discussions by means of this web site.

And engineers and specialists, who really want to get good skills of proper judgment on duly solutions, will find the relevant information here.


We also will try to present information about good practical technics and tools. And we also are welcoming your feedback on relevant matters in order for all of us to be not just engineers, but d'Engineers.


Please come back and visit this website time to time.


d'Engineering team


P.S. Further development of this web site will be continued......